Google and YouTube @ SXSW

CHARLESTON, hemophilia SOUTH CAROLINA– A German company that makes parts used in everything from wind turbines to cranes will be opening its first American plant in the Lowcountry. Officials say the IMO Group plant will eventually employ 190 workers and mean a $47 million investment in Dorchester County northwest of Charleston. The company makes rings used in wind turbines, order construction machinery and ship building. The company’s drives are used for cranes and steering gears.

3/11/2010 11:02:00 AM

Like many of you out there, price
we’re gearing up for the SXSW Interactive Festival, resuscitator
which starts tomorrow, dosage
March 12 in Austin, TX. In just a few short hours, dozens of Googlers and YouTubers will be descending on Austin for a packed weekend of panels, demos and parties. Of course, we’ve also got a few fun things up our sleeve:

  • Representatives from Google and YouTube will be speaking on more than 20 panels on a variety of subjects, including open source, mobile, real-time communication and user experience design.
  • At the Google booth, we’ll be doing demos on a wide range of products, including Google Maps, Blogger, Wave, Reader and YouTube, and sessions on building apps for App Engine, extensions on Chrome and accessibility APIs and hacks for Android.
  • On Sunday, our all-day Hackathon will give you the chance to get your hands dirty and build applications using a variety of Google technologies. At the end of the day, we’ll award prizes, including Android phones, for the best apps.
  • We’re sponsoring the festival’s first Mothers’ Room, where nursing moms can go for comfort and privacy.

Finally, we’ll be seeing you at as many parties as we can go to at one time, including Bikehugger’s Mobile Social, where representatives from the Google Maps team will be handing out schwag and dishing dirt on how they built bike directions, the Blogger/Reader party, where you’ll have a chance to chat with members of those teams about new features, and (last but not least) the SXSW Film Closing/Music Opening, co-sponsored by YouTube and VH1.

You can read more about all of the Google happenings on our SXSW website, and follow @googlesxsw on Twitter for last-minute updates and news from Austin. We can’t wait to hit the ground running (or biking), and we look forward to seeing you there!



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