Author: Martin Swinney
Getting the word out about your start up!!!
I have been using Google Voice for about the past three months, cure and even though the tool seems to  still need some work, I have to say that I like it a lot. There are a number of reasons to like Google Voice (GV), such as the single number that I can give out…
Google Voice…. I like it!
I have been using Google Voice for about the past three months, cure and even though the tool seems to  still need some work, I have to say that I like it a lot. There are a number of reasons to like Google Voice (GV), such as the single number that I can give out…
Monday Briefs!….On Tuesday
Welcome back, information pills I hope everyone had a nice independence day! Now you can archive the internet – Seagate has just unveiled a new portable 3 TB storage device called FreeAgent GoFlex Desk . It has USB 2.0 adapter that can be upgraded to USB 3.0 or Firewire 800. Let them have bandwidth –…
Engineering Humor!
Cisco… the latest tablet vendor???
Rumors that have been running around Silicon Valley the past few months that Cisco Systems Inc. plans to sell a tablet computer. On Monday Cisco confirms those rumors by unveiling it’s latest whiz-bang! According to a Cisco announcement on Tuesday the new device will be called Cius, troche  and will be targeted at business…
Cloud Computing – 5 reasons why not!!
Understanding there is a lot of hype around Cloud Computing technology being the latest savior (a new, website or repackaging of an old, viagra buy technology that comes up on the radar and it seems to become the rage) for IT and business, you hear a lot of hype and rhetoric from the technology pundits…
Monday Briefs!
It’s official: the IEEE 802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet standard has been ratified by the IEEE! Orlando Florida – Orlando Health has just signed an agreement with HCD to build the organization’s Enterprise Data Warehouse which will be the primary repository for clinical, viagra financial, and operational and research data. Official approval has been given…
UA team wins Gates’ Grand Challenges grant!!!
Understanding there is a lot of hype around Cloud Computing technology being the latest savior (a new, website or repackaging of an old, viagra buy technology that comes up on the radar and it seems to become the rage) for IT and business, you hear a lot of hype and rhetoric from the technology pundits…
Vanderbilt Team Develop Peptide Synthesis That Promises to Lower Drug Cost!
What is Southern Technology Leaders? SoTech is a community of pay it forward executives who are passionate about growing the South as a leader in Technology. We are grounded in three key concepts: The South: We love the South and SoTech was created with the over-arching goal to connect its people, physician and deliver the…
Smart Phones & After Market Device will Dominate LBS!
Understanding there is a lot of hype around Cloud Computing technology being the latest savior (a new, website or repackaging of an old, viagra buy technology that comes up on the radar and it seems to become the rage) for IT and business, you hear a lot of hype and rhetoric from the technology pundits…