Category: General
Startups: 5K or Ironman?
I had an experience at Starbucks this week that left me intrigued by the gap I see in major brands between employee engagement and customer engagement. I am an extremely engaged Starbucks fan. To give you an idea of my engagement level: I’ve carried my Starbucks Gold card with pride since 2008, this site I…
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation
Watch a short video from career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, apoplexy starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, case a way forward.
Top Recruiter Finds Adaptable Executives in High Demand
One area of the job market is growing far beyond the others – executive and senior management roles with proven track records of adapting to new technologies, advice with health care, buy more about financial services and technology taking the lead. The WSJ recently interviewed  Clarke Murphy, head of the global CEO and board-services practice…
Ernst & Young Survey Shows Optimism and Hiring in Technology
The industries that are most likely to expect growth in both revenue and profits, according to the survey, are technology (74% revenue and 72% profitability), financial services and retail/wholesale (both 69% revenue and 63% profitability). Financial services companies report the highest average revenue growth rate (13%).
Google Voice…. I like it!
I have been using Google Voice for about the past three months, cure and even though the tool seems to  still need some work, I have to say that I like it a lot. There are a number of reasons to like Google Voice (GV), such as the single number that I can give out…
Engineering Humor!
Pandora raises more funding, as music fans rejoice
Various politicians have been working to close a number of loopholes that allowed for a number of bad investment decisions. While we can debate whether there is too much (or not enough) government regulation in the financial markets, shop the implementation for the identified problem has some serious issues. The bill passed by the House…
May 24: Atlanta’s ATDC Startup Showcase
Want to see more applications and features in Google App’s! Well so does Google, recuperation and whats even better they are letting us decide which ones to include. Visit the Google Product Idea page and look at what is up for consideration and vote on the ideas you would like to see added to Google…
Firday Blurbs….. April 23rd
Can’t get a date, global burden of disease Get an iPhone – According to a recent survey conducted in the UK, case 54 per cent of the ladies asked, said they’d be more likely to give their digits and date an iPhone owner than a non-iPhone owner. iPhone owners were also deemed better groomed, more…