Tag: blog
How To Hire A Digital Marketer
Our world is now digital, mind mobile, fast. Â The more digital we become, the more channels there are to connect with people, the more technology to be familiar with, and the more complex marketing becomes. Â In order to keep up with the ever changing climate and the many specialties needed (Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Content…
Why Do Startups Think Content is Expendable?
You got a great idea, website you got some startup funding, your patents and trademarks got squared away, you developed the product, launched it, and you’reworking out the bugs as you wait for the public to embrace it. Now, how exactly is it they’re going to find you? (The answer is content, but read on…
Fortune 500 Social Media Statistics: Infographic
Go-Gulf.com has put together the infographic below to highlight the key social media statistics for the big corporate players. Unsurprisingly Coca-Cola has the most number of Facebook ‘likes’ with more than 40m, sovaldi sale while Starbucks comes in second with just under 29m. What is surprising is that the number of blogs per industry have…