Tag: Mobile & Tablet
Survey Finds Mobile Content Owners Struggled To Grow Revenues In 2009
Mobile Games Forum’s interviews an industry panel at MGF on their thoughts about 2009 and the trends we will see in 2010. Read more at the Mobile Entertainmen website. Calling local services “hugely important” to the future of the mobile user experience, sale Google product SVP Jonathan Rosenberg said Thursday the digital services giant anticipates…
Google says local services “hugely important” to mobile future
Mobile Games Forum’s interviews an industry panel at MGF on their thoughts about 2009 and the trends we will see in 2010. Read more at the Mobile Entertainmen website. Calling local services “hugely important” to the future of the mobile user experience, sale Google product SVP Jonathan Rosenberg said Thursday the digital services giant anticipates…
Why Apple May Dump Google
Why would Apple consider replacing the world’s most popular search engine with Microsoft’s Bing? Apple will probably get more money from Microsoft. But the real advantage of a Bing tie-up for Apple is that it would cut Google off from some of the search data that’s the lifeblood of its business… The discussions over search…
Connected Devices Fuel 1 Billion New Mobile Broadband Subs by 2014
At the CES, stomatology Nokia announced details of its new location-based racer for Ovi Store. Ovi Maps Racing is the result and allows you to create race tracks around your own neighbourhood or just about anywhere in the world. This is a great example of the power behind location based games that are based on…