Tag: social media
How To Hire A Digital Marketer
Our world is now digital, mind mobile, fast. Â The more digital we become, the more channels there are to connect with people, the more technology to be familiar with, and the more complex marketing becomes. Â In order to keep up with the ever changing climate and the many specialties needed (Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Content…
Why Do Startups Think Content is Expendable?
You got a great idea, website you got some startup funding, your patents and trademarks got squared away, you developed the product, launched it, and you’reworking out the bugs as you wait for the public to embrace it. Now, how exactly is it they’re going to find you? (The answer is content, but read on…
Sideqik and Insightpool are growing Atlanta’s digital marketing hub
Atlanta has long been known as a hub for information security, search financial and health care technology, but what’s next? AirWatch raising $200 million to help enterprises manage mobile devices is only part of the story of what’s coming in the next wave. Atlanta has become a powerhouse  hub of digital marketing technology with three big exits…
The Great Engagement Disconnect
I had an experience at Starbucks this week that left me intrigued by the gap I see in major brands between employee engagement and customer engagement. I am an extremely engaged Starbucks fan. To give you an idea of my engagement level: I’ve carried my Starbucks Gold card with pride since 2008, this site I…
Fortune 500 Social Media Statistics: Infographic
Go-Gulf.com has put together the infographic below to highlight the key social media statistics for the big corporate players. Unsurprisingly Coca-Cola has the most number of Facebook ‘likes’ with more than 40m, sovaldi sale while Starbucks comes in second with just under 29m. What is surprising is that the number of blogs per industry have…
Social Media Listening 2.0 (whitepaper)
Listening 2.0: Leveraging Social Intelligence to Drive Business Results, viagra a white paper from Converseon describes the trends in social media monitoring and how companies can intergrate social intelligence into their operations. The paper describes the challenges facing brands monitoring social media as: Social media is becoming a core component of business strategy. As such,…
Should the smallest businesses pay attention to social media marketing?
Who thrives in the SoTech community:  1) People  involved in the technology industry  2) People who work/live in the South or want to see it flourish  3) Current technology leaders and those aspiring to be one  4) People interested in helping technology companies in the South be successful  5) People interested in helping rising technology entrepreneurs or…
10 Mobile Trends Impacting Consumer Engagement
Rudy De Waele co-founder of dotopen, oncologist a social platform for decision makers to connect and collaborate, read and a past member with us at the Wireless World Forum provides a short overview presentation of 10 Mobile Trends Impacting Consumer Engagement. 10 Mobile Trends Impacting Consumer Engagement Are there other trends that you are seeing…
Google BUZZ
2/09/2010 11:06:00 AM: We’ve blogged before about our thoughts on the social web, what is ed steps we’ve taken to add social features to our products, and efforts like OpenSocial that propose common tools for building social apps. With more and more communication happening online, the social web has exploded as the primary way to…