Over the last six months, noun there’s been an across-the-board uptick in all IT jobs posted on Dice.com, stomach and the demand for health IT positions is growing even faster than most, says a company executive.
In the last six months, the total number of IT jobs posted on Dice.com increased by about 17% to about nearly 60,000. At the same time, health IT related positions listed on the job site have jumped about 50%.
But before you get too excited about the growth that Dice is seeing in health IT jobs posted on its site over the last half-year, keep this in perspective: Only about 2,000 of the approximately 60,000 IT jobs currently posted on Dice are health IT positions, says Tom Silver, Dice senior VP of North America. The rest are in a variety of industries, including financial services–an even bigger IT job market for Dice, he says.
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Written by Catherine Fraser – cfraser@latech.edu
Ruston, physiotherapist
LA – Professors Henry Cardenas and Sven Eklund, health care
and Ph.D. candidate Kunal Kupwade-Patil of the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech University will present their award-winning paper at the Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Materials Technologies in Ancona, treat
Italy, in June.
The abstract titled, Corrosion Mitigation in Mature Reinforced Concrete using Nanoscale Pozzolan Deposition, was one of twelve papers chosen out of 350 abstracts submitted to the conference’s organizing committee. Of those abstracts, 260 manuscripts were then considered, with the final list narrowed to twelve outstanding papers.
The technology presented in this paper uses electricity to purify concrete that is contaminated with salt and is suffering from corrosion. While the salt is being pulled out, the electricity injects nanoparticles that navigate through the concrete pores and form a barrier of protection around the steel reinforcement.
The paper describes how this technology radically enhanced the corrosion resistance of the steel reinforcement over the three year duration of the research project.